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TerraTundra is a portal-store of unique and handmade OOAK creations, inspired by Nature, dreams and elemental magic. 🌱

Here you will find available works in different formats:

Art Dolls: poseable artist dolls / interactive sculptures

Fantastic art objects: handcrafted grimoires, horns, mushroom crowns and other accessories

Pantings, original and printed

Amulets, miniatures and other curiosities

I'm Gustavo Floering, visual artist, traveler and alchemist. I have a curious soul and through visual and written narratives, I transform memories into a peculiar scenario inhabited by elemental spirits of Nature.

I incorporate sustainability into my work by creating based on reused materials, such as plastics, paper and cardboard. ♻️

 All arts are unique and made in an alchemical manual process, so each creation has its own essence and uniqueness, being items for collectors, curious souls, magic practitioners, lovers of arts and poetry. Handcrafted works amplify our energetic and creative powers, which is why they are made with such care and affection.


I was born in Recife-PE (Brazil) and started playing with art and creating characters since I was very young. In my introspection, I liked to play RPGs, watch fantasy animations, read, draw and write stories with my miniature dolls in the home garden, observing the little details of the natural world and creating with them.

TerraTundra project was formed through the rescue of memories. 8 years ago, in 2014, I started making my own Art Dolls and over time I improved my techniques and the concept of my work, always innovating with materials and new artistic languages.

TerraTundra was born in 2016, when I launched myself in the world as nomadic artist, with the dream of making a living out of art and getting to know other realities. That way I started the exhibition and sale of my works, physically and digitally. In this time, while traveling, I participated in fairs and exhibitions in art galleries at festivals such as Adhana and Terra Azul. I lived in several states in Brazil and backpacked through Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

In 2020, with the beginning of lockdown, I set up my magical arts studio in Araucária-PR, where I currently reside. Since then, the project has taken root and continues to grow, expanding. In 2021, independent artist Tyla Bandeira started to collaborate as an Art and Production Assistant, developing the handmade boxes that bring the creations to you. I believe in the power of cooperation as a way to achieve our dreams and enable a more creative life.


I like to tell stories through 2D and 3D creations, composing works where the real and the fantastic merge. When perceiving what is beyond the visible, ephemeral forms and organic textures appear intuitively. To me, Nature and its diversity of interconnected lives is the source of inspiration.

Tundra world is a fantastic universe and has been developing over the years in constant metamorphosis.

Being a multiple sensory experience, it is like a dream, a magical experiment. TerraTundra is an expanding network that connects imagination with spirituality and old-new forms of perception resurface in ritualistic art form.

After a long journey full of adventures and mysteries, here you can rest and carefully observe my soul expression. I invite you to enter this enchanted portal that leads to the Tundra world, an alternate dimension populated by witches, wizards, elemental beings and other peculiar creatures.

And now I ask you, how fascinating this Walking can be?

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 TerraTundra is an independent and authorial brand.

By acquiring my works, you collaborate with my creative process and become an integral part of this Dream.

Thank you for supporting my art.

Each creation is unique, made for unique people!