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3D painting "Fairy's nest in the forest" - Original canvas, painting + sculpture

$165.71 USD

One day I walked through the forest and something shiny I found. A fairy nest among branches of ancient trees

With eyes closed and heart warm, the little creature nestled among mosses and dreams.

Fairy's Nest in the Forest
Support: Mixed media 3D frame: cotton canvas, acrylic paint, PVA + India ink, varnish, fairy baby sculpture (wire, fabrics, reused plastic, acetate), dehydrated moss

The fairy baby can be removed from the canvas! This is a semi articulated art doll, it has a wire base that allows for simple articulation of the head.

Dimensions: 25x25cm
Artist: Gustavo Floering
Year: 2023

They are small beings of Nature still in development. At this stage, they have already come out of the egg they were born in and are protected by natural fabrics so they don't get cold. The wings are delicate and sensitive to the touch. Fairy Babies represent contact with the inner child and the renewal of energies with great openness to new paths of self-care and contact with dreams.