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My vision is to create playful works of art, sculptures that move and tell stories. An art that you not only see, but also touch and interact with. They are sensitive, poetic creations, made over many months, with the purpose of reconnecting us with our own magic and inner strength through contemplation and creativity.

My creations reflect a spontaneous access to the breath of inspiration, a passage to the source of life, a return to Mother Nature through visionary art and magical realism. My Vision is for a green future on Earth, where diversity of existence is appreciated, where freedom and cooperation can exist. Where our Dreams have value. A vision of a Resilient future.

I dedicate my life to Art and the creative process, transmuting inside and outside myself when expressing my perceptions. I want to create worlds that inspire and activate feelings, and thus, keep expanding my stories and characters, so that one day they also become exhibitions, books, comics, films and animations that can change other people's lives.

Thank you if you made it this far!

With affection,

Gustavo Floering.